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ISBN 1-933143-09-6
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softcover/650 pp./$34.95$31.45
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Moral Issues of the Marketplace and Jewish Law by Aaron Levine

Rabbi Aaron Levine uses the real-world case study method he pioneered to confront moral dilemmas of the marketplace in the light of American law, secular business ethics, and Jewish law. Rabbi Levine covers the full range of Jewish law in the business world: professional ethics; fair competition; marketing ethics; labor relations; privacy issues; public policy; and ethical issues in the protection of property. From a deep understanding of the workings of applied halakhah, coupled with a keen sense of economics and the realities of today's complex business environment—this straightforward, hard-hitting book takes on some of the key issues of the day. If you are in business, if you are an employer or employee, if you sell or buy anything, in this post-Enron world—you need this book!

ISBN 1-933143-05-3
hardcover/290 pp./$24.95
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The Students' Guide Through The Talmud by Zevi Hirsch Chajes, translated by Jacob Shachter

Long acknowledged as one of the land­marks in Rabbinic scholarship, this work is being republished in English for the first time in over forty years, more than 150 years since the work's original publication in Hebrew. Like the Talmud itself, The Student's Guide through the Talmud bears a two-fold character and deals with both the Halachah, the legal aspects of the Talmud, and the Aggadah, the non-legal portions. Presenting his analysis with the experience and insight of a world-renowned talmudic scholar, R. Chajes imparts a detailed history and classification of the Talmud and its underlying oral tradition.

ISBN 1-933143-02-9
hardcover/219 pp./$24.95
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Rabbi Israel Salanter: Religious-Ethical Thinker by Menahem G. Glenn

Rabbi Israel Salanter was arguably the most influential leader of nineteenth century non-Hasidic Orthodox Judaism. Salanter was a renowned Talmudic genius who, troubled by the breakdown of Orthodox Judaism in nineteenth century Eastern Europe, sought to reform the Jewish world from which he emerged. He introduced an ethical curriculum to fight corruption, spiritual malaise and non-religious forces, a program that still retains impact today. However, these reform measures were initially met with great resistance from the very rabbinic elite of which he was a respected member. This book is a carefully researched biography and a detailed analysis of his thought and his religious-ethical program to revitalize Judaism.

ISBN 1-933143-03-7
softcover/304 pp./$19.95
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The Right and the Good: Halakhah and Human Relations by Daniel Z. Feldman

In an effort to respond to the baseless criticism that Jewish law is overly pre- occupied with religious ritual at the expense of issues having to do with interpersonal relationships, Daniel Z. Feldman presents readers with a detailed exploration of the vast attention that the masters of Jewish thought have given to relations between and among individuals. This book is not a legal guide to interpersonal relationships in Jewish life, nor is it a volume of moral exhortation. Rather, Rabbi Feldman aims to convey the importance of his subject by exhibiting its hallowed place within the structure of Jewish and within the analysis that interpersonal relationships have been given among the giants in the field of Jewish thought.

ISBN 1-56871-248-0
hardcover/234 pp./$29.95
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Mysterious Creatures by Nosson Slifkin
(Once again available)

This book explores conflicts between the Talmud and science in the context of Torah mysteries of zoology. The Talmud and Midrash discuss a wide range of bizarre creatures, including mermaids, unicorns, griffins, dragons, sea-serpents and phoenixes, as well as strange biological concepts such as spontaneous generation. Mysterious Creatures discusses these cases in detail and brings a range of different approaches for understanding them.

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The Camel, the Hyrax, & the Hare by Nosson Slifkin (Currently out of stock)

For more than a century, the Torah's list of animals with one kosher sign has been a source of controversy. Do we know the correct identities of these animals? Do they indeed chew the cud and lack split hooves? Does the Torah claim them to be the only such animals? And are there any others? This groundbreaking work draws upon a wealth of Torah literature and the latest zoological research to present a detailed and comprehensive study of this difficult topic.

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(In process of being revised and republished)
The Science of Torah by Nosson Slifkin

The Science of Torah is a fascinating look at the profound topics of the nature of scientific laws, the age of the universe, and the evolution of life. It discusses a range of approaches to Torah and science, and also presents its own unified approach to all these issues. It shows that Judaism can approach these topics in a sophisticated and honest manner, without being either dogmatic or apologetic. The Science of Torah is an essential read for every thinking Jew.

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ISBN 1-933143-99-1
hardcover/160 pp./$10
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Bnei Banim vol. 4 by Yehuda Henkin

Bnei Banim, like most responsa books, is the collected letters of halakhic rulings of Rabbi Yehuda Herzl Henkin. However, Bnei Banim also includes essays on timely topics and the weekly Torah portion, investigations into the simple meaning (peshat) of biblical passages, and recollections of the author's illustrious grandfather. Rabbi Henkin courageously tackles some of the most controversial topics of day, thoroughly analyzing a topic and demonstrating how he arrives at his conclusions. As the address for some of the most difficult questions facing contemporary Orthodox Jews, Rabbi Henkin responds to issues that are very timely and relevant.

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